Firefly wraps up it's first full story in Unification War!
boom studios
Ep. 81 Hellmouth Part 1
We talk the first half of Buffy/Angel crossover, Hellmouth!
Ep. 80 Firefly: The Sting
We look at the all female heist, including Saffron, in Firefly: The Sting!
Ep. 77 Firefly: Unification War Part 2
The second arc of Firefly is complete as Mal is kidnapped and a second war is on the horizon!
Ep. 76 Welcome Back to the Hellmouth
Buffy's story has been fully rebooted! We look at the first arc and the Free Comic Book Day special!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #4 & Angel #0 Review
Bonus FREE Patreon episode! Non spoiler and spoiler reviews of Buffy the Vampire Slayer #4 and Angel #0
Ep. 75 Firefly: Unification War
Firefly is back as an ongoing comic and we talk about the first arc!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 (2019) Review
We go over our nonspoiler and spoiler throughs on the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1 comic from BOOM! Studios!
Ep. 73 Every Buffy and Angel Comic Ever
We go through every Buffy and Angel comic ever in chronological order!
Firelfy #1 Review
We dive into Firefly #1 with a nonspoiler and spoiler review!
Ep. 70 Ranking Every Buffy Comic
We go through every Buffy story to see how they all stack up!