This week, everything TV show, movie, and person is cancelled! We also talk the last 6 issues of Danger Street!
Ep. 286 The Eternals
Jack Kirby's work makes it to the big screen! And it's...something!
Ep. 279 Neil Gaiman's Eternals & What If
We look at what the Eternal's movie will be based on and this week's What If! Also, the Eternals are accidentally mentioned when it should be the Celestials. And more than one hilarious clip.
Ep. 276 Eternals Comics & What If?
We look at the original Jack Kirby comics run and episode 4 of What If?
Ep. 275 First Appearance of Shang Chi and What If?
We look at Shang Chi's first comic appearance in Special Marvel Edition #15 and episode 3 of What If?
Ep. 263 Army of the Dead
Why does this movie have zombie robots? Who knows.
Ep. 248 Star Trek VI: Undiscovered Country
We look back on a great Christopher Plummer role!
Ep. 213 Angel: Waiting in the Wings
2020 is terrible, so we’re talking about things we love unconditionally! This week, Angel. And news around Justice League…
Ep. 207 Tiger King
Tiger King is a phenomenon! For some reason
Ep. 173 SDCC 2019
This week we are looking at all of the big announcements coming out of Comic Con for comics, TV, and movies!