We talk the first Elseworlds story with Batman: Gotham By Gaslight, remakes of The Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life, and grail pieces in a collection!
Ep. 341 Best And Worst Of 2022
It's the Eddy's! And some unfortunate singing.
Ep. 326 Batman: One Bad Day, House of the Dragon, She-Hulk
We talk a new Batman comic, and all the streaming shows you can shake a stick at!
Ep. 325 She-Hulk & House of the Dragon
Two new shows kicked off this week! We're talking the Sensational She-Shulk and the Kind Of Mean Spirted House of the Dragon!
Ep. 324 Sandman (Netflix)
The adaptation of one of the most beloved comics of all time is finally here! We look at (most of) the new Sandman series!