We talk The Last of Us, and on the anniversary of Jack Kirby's death, one of his all time best comics!
Ep. 324 Sandman (Netflix)
The adaptation of one of the most beloved comics of all time is finally here! We look at (most of) the new Sandman series!
Ep. 232 Plan 9 From Outer Space
For Halloween, we look back on supposedly the worst movie of all time!
Ep. 209 Extraction
There's a new comic book movie this week!
Ep. 141 Batman's First Christmas Story
Looking back to the 1940s, we cover the Christmas story from Batman #9!
Ep. 135 Babyteeth
With Halloween just around the corner, it’s that time of the year to talk about a demonic baby!
Ep. 126 Daredevil: Guardian Devil
We look back on Kevin Smith's first superhero comics series!